Crowd testing is the testing of a user by a wide group of people. You expand the range of tester to get functional outcomes. Testers can be spread over different geographical locations. You can have a variety of tools for testing. Crowd testing offers multi-platforms, multi-version devices, and testing environments.
You need to have many people with a passion for gaming, especially the type of game under test. The chances of finding bugs rise with many testers. Crowd testing is one of the most important parts of the game development process. This is the final component that analyzes whether your gaming app is ready for launch.
There are 5 Tips to manage crowed testing solution in gaming
1. Right testers selection
To select the right people for a test, as much information as possible about them is needed. Different types of testers in your crowd will give more feedback, increase coverage, improve, speed test, and find more important bugs in the project. Good testers' selection is an important part of your project because the right testers can give you the right information about your game or project.
2. Preparation
Planning is required. With crowd sourced testing, this is especially important because testers work remotely. This means that they are unable to receive instant feedback and communication is not quick. It is important to keep this goal in mind before taking the test. Questionnaires are prepared with detailed instructions, and the steps that guide the tester through the process are described. The people who design the test must try to visualize.
3. Functionality Testing
This a method of identifying bugs or errors in the game that affects the user experience. This method has some important features as follows. 1). Determines whether the application is working according to features. 2). this is a complex test method according to the range of black-box testing techniques. 3). Tester takes longer to resolve as it detects game play issues, graphics issues, audio-visual issues, etc.

4. Make a Competitor Overview
The crowd tester is not a different section of your game and will provide insight into the different issues experienced in other, similar games. You could be shocked to realize everyone's opinion of your game in comparison with others. Possibly you will include change or drop a few capacities since others have recognized some usefulness to be more suitable. By making a competitor overview, we can find and beat our competitors. It is also important to factor in crowd testing, but some people ignored this step by doing this project.
5.Usability Testing
Usability testing is the not last part of any crowd testing; this is an important part because usability testing can show us useful information about the user experience. That also shows detailed instructions about designs, and it also provides help to find a high bug on our project. For functional testing, the people representing the product's target group are essential; after all, they will be the customers who use the actual product and review it. Game usability testing is a specific type of utility test that requires the audience to focus strongly on identifying sections and providing a real context of use.
So what should be the main focus of the game test, be it reality or vision? Nowadays, the game development team must spend more time testing the app development process because of more difficult and sometimes different factors.